Potential Dangers of Septic Tank-Related Groundwater Contamination

Potential Dangers of Septic Tank-Related Groundwater Contamination

When you have a septic tank in Boulder Colorado, there is a chance that it could result in groundwater contamination if you do not keep up with routine maintenance and inspection. You want to know about the issues that could occur if the contents of your septic system were to creep into your groundwater. This is sure to keep you motivated to maintain your septic system maintenance schedule.

What Might Cause a Septic System to Contaminate the Ground Water?

When your Boulder County septic system is working as it should, the chance of contaminated groundwater is extremely low. Most people who maintain their system will never have to worry about this issue. Under normal circumstances, your system allows human waste to drain away at a rate that is harmless and slow. However, if there are problems with your septic system, this can result in the leakage of viruses, household chemicals, bacteria and other impurities. If these get into your groundwater, the result can be serious health issues.


There are multiple types of hepatitis, but the A and B forms are possible when someone consumes contaminated drinking water. Both forms of hepatitis affect the liver and can range from mild to severe. With both types, you might experience symptoms, such as appetite loss, fever, fatigue and nausea and vomiting.


If someone has this virus and their feces go into your septic system, if this reaches your groundwater, you are at risk for this virus. Nausea and vomiting are the hallmarks of this infection and they can be quite severe for some people. You might also experience watery diarrhea, muscle pain, abdominal discomfort, malaise and fever. This infection is incredibly contagious and it can take several days to more than a week before you start getting relief from your symptoms.


This is not a condition you hear about often in the first world, but it is possible if you consume groundwater that is contaminated. This results from you ingesting Shigella bacillus. When you have this infection, you will almost always experience severe diarrhea and stomach cramping. It is also possible for the diarrhea to have blood or mucus in it. It can take a few days for the symptoms to resolve.

Blue Baby Syndrome

This is an illness that is the result of a baby consuming too many nitrates. If your septic system is contaminating your groundwater, one of the pollutants that you have to be aware of is nitrates because they can quickly accumulate and enter your drinking water at high levels. If a baby is affected by this condition, the hemoglobin is not able to sufficiently carry oxygen. Without prompt and proper treatment, death is possible.

You can see why it is so important to keep your Boulder County septic system in excellent condition. The results of consuming contaminated groundwater can be very dangerous for people. Of course, this could also have a negative impact on all living things on your property, including any pets and plants too.